Thursday, February 3, 2011


I miss my ratty so much. I know most people would think, "how could you ever love a rat?"
but I'm sure they would change their minds if they saw just how wonderful rats really are.
It was my brother's idea to get a rat, and I originally opposed the idea. I thought a rat would
be a bit like a guinea pig (cute, but useless as a pet) or that the cat would try to eat it. But I soon realised how wrong I was.

Ratty was more than a pet. He was my best friend. He would stick his little head out of his box when I called his name and was always happy to see me, he would always 'kiss' my hand (and any part of my face if I didn't stop him), he would stare at me with his little beady eyes with a look of complete innocence, he was squishy and snuggly, he could shape-shift from a big puffball to a flat pancake, he would share (and occasionally steal) my food and always preferred my cooking, he would fall asleep in my jacket, and he never bit anyone. Not even once.

The first sign of his illness was his constant sneezing. I booked a vet appointment and forced my dad to take me there, but the rat got worse. He was making choking/vomiting noises and was rushing around his cage. I told the vet, but I don't think I explained it well enough. The vet was mainly concerned about the rat's weight, and just prescribed some antibiotics. She acted as though he just had a little cold. I later discovered that the choking noises were actually the poor rat trying to gasp for air, and he ran around his cage because he was freaking out and couldn't express it in any other way.

The rat got even worse a few days later, and my mum and I had to go to the chemist to buy an asthma inhaler because the rat could barely breathe and kept on gasping for air. Because it was late, only the animal emergency hospitals were open, but my dad refused to take the rat because "it would be too expensive". "Look at the rat! He's running around, that means he's fine!" "I'll shoot the rat for you!" My mum wouldn't take me because she had no idea how to get there.
I taught myself rat CPR, and set my alarm clock to 3-4am so I could check on the rat and administer CPR if possible.

I thought Ratty was recovering, because he stopped sneezing. But then he stopped eating, and went from being 'morbidly obese' to 'underweight' in the space of a few days. The antibiotics were not working. I should have done my research, which would have told me to try a different antibiotic or a combination of them if there was no improvement in 3-4 days, but the vet had said "come back in 10 days if there's no improvement, and I'll give you more of the same antibiotic."

I came home from school on Tuesday to find my rat alive, but cold and floppy. He still licked my hand, but he refused to eat or drink anything. I used my stethoscope (which I bought just so I could monitor his heartbeat) and his heartbeat was so faint that I could barely hear it. My mum told me that she had told a different vet about the rat, who told her that euthanasia would be the best option. But it seemed as though he barely had an hour left, and we wanted him to die happy with his family.

I was with Ratty when he died (on my bed). He was struggling to breathe, and it looked like he was having a seizure. Then he just went stiff. There was nothing I could do to save him, and I think he had pneumonia. He was buried by in the garden by a birdbath and some rosebushes. I cried for over six hours that day (but I didn't cry at all for any human deaths) and I felt so helpless, I am considering becoming a veterinary
surgeon so that I can learn how to actually SAVE rats (and obviously other animals), and not give the wrong information or ignore a serious disease.

I was hoping that my Ratty would live for at least three years. He didn't even make it to two.

This took two hours plus half a box of tissues to write, and I couldn't be bothered to proof-read it or check for errors. I hope that I have convinced anyone who didn't know this already that rats are very loveable, intelligent animals.
RIP Ratty. You will always be loved, and never forgotten.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


My job is so fucking unbelievable. I'll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with:

First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but damn is she completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on makeup. She is extremely self-centered and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breathe.

The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people on the planet. Her career oppertunities are endless, and yet she is here with us. She is a zero on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm not sure she even showers, much less shaves her "womanly" parts. I think she might be a lesbian, because every time we drive by the hardware store, she moans like a cat in heat.

But the jewel of the crowd has got to be the fucking stoner. And this guy is more than just your average pothead. In fact, he is baked before he comes to work, during work, and I'm sure after work. He probably hasn't been sober anytime in the last ten years, and he's only 22. He dresses like a beatnik throwback from the 1960's, and to make things worse, he brings his big fucking dog to work. Every fucking day I have to look at this huge Great Dane walk around half-stoned from the second-hand smoke. Hell, sometimes I even think it's trying to talk with its constant bellowing. Also, both of them are constantly hungry, requiring multiple stops to McDonalds and Burger King, every single fucking day.

Anyway, I drive these fucktards around in my van and we solve mysteries and shit.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Apology for my silliness and various other stories

Why do I go all ‘hater’ on romance and sex and religion? LOL am I just jealous because I get none of those things? mustbeit. I don’t know why I’m an ignorant fool, but I now realize how I should become more open-minded. I believe that I have been almost dramatically more open-minded in the space of the past year compared to most of the rest of my life prior to said period of time, but I still as of yet have not reached the ‘severe’ end of the Open-mindedness Scale.

Well, on a rather unrealted note, I like night-time. It is the only section of the day when approx. 75% of the population are renderered camatose and this is thought of as a Very Holy Thing. This means that people are much more quiet than they usually are and the SOUTHERN Hemisphere has the illusion of peacefulness for at least a few hours. there is unfortunately not very much one can do at 1:30AM. so I decided to flee the comforts of my chair, and see what was happening outside. After scaring a family of sleeping ducks and various other night-lurking beasts, I managed to stumble over to a tree. After taking a series of photos which, whilst seeming to be the product of a pure photographic genius, are on second viewing, hideously boring and underexposed due to the flash setting, which I now realised was never actually employed in the taking of my latest photos. OH NO.

Well now I am back in my nice chair, my mind thouroughly Shpongled. Are You Shpongled? Oh, dear sleep deprivation, I will one day end your madness.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Due to my recent discovery that I will be forced to endure Sex Education, I feel inspired to write a blog entry about my views on sex. I do not know that much about sex, so I may get some information wrong. However, I don’t give a shit because this entry is the product of my philosophical thinking sessions and is therefore not to be criticized by anyone who is not me.

Okay. Basically, I do not have a ‘sexuality’ (I am not ‘attracted’ to people of any gender at all, nor am I attracted to animals, objects, or whatever else one can be attracted to). Despite what many people tell me, I am not going to meet the ‘right person’ and suddenly change, and I am not going to wake up one morning and find myself interested in any sort of romantic/sexual relationship.

I was wondering why people are so interested in the act of sexual intercourse, and came up with a theory. Sexual intercourse is obviously the main method of human reproduction, and from what I can imagine from the facts given to me, it would be a painful process if it weren’t for the pleasure that apparently is a result of it. If humans did not receive pleasure from the act of sexual intercourse (and also if they didn’t have the biological urge/instinct to have sex), then perhaps they would see no incentive for this behaviour (other than for procreation) and there would be an increased chance of the human population dying out. This applies to other species of animals besides humans, but this text is intended to be about humans. To put it simply, sex is pleasurable so you will engage in it. It is, I assume, a product of evolution. Because humans feel the need to have sex for reasons other than procreation (this occurs quite frequently in adolescent specimens), the risk of human overpopulation dramatically increases. I like to think that evolution created sexually transmitted diseases to combat this. I don’t care if this isn’t the reason, that is just what I like to think.

But seriously, what is the point in having sex unless you’re aiming to reproduce? (which there is no need to in these modern and overpopulated times). I personally believe that teenagers should be subjected to anti-sex indoctrination to prevent humanity from continuing its destructive quest to create multiple copies and destroy the Earth in the process. I will attempt to explain this to my dear teacher, but I have a feeling she will either a)disagree, b)not understand or perhaps a combination of both.

In regards to sex education, if I don’t understand something, don’t feel the need to participate in something, or don’t support something, I won’t do it, so there is no point in teaching me how to put a condom onto a plastic phallus-shaped object.

I believe that homosexuals, breeders, bisexuals, transexuals, and transvestites should have equal rights, but for things such as marriage, why do they seriously care? The statistics suggest that most marriages fail, and I don’t like it when people suggest that marriage is a ‘human right’. It is not a human right. If you think it is, then you seriously need to get your priorities right. If you also think that millions of dollars should be waste- uh...spent on sports and olympics, then you need to get your priorities right. Sorry for being tangential, but I quite enjoy ranting.

Good night.

Friday, October 29, 2010


People get so caught up in what is happening concerning others, it makes them unhappy. I don't mean gossip; I mean that people worry about various issues caused by fellow beast (relationships or lack of, death, school trouble, etc.) until they develop a depressive and/or anxiety complex which is when they say "I hate life," "why is life so hard?" "Everyone hates me!" and other lovely things. But they don't realise that all their problems are caused by humans. Take schoolwork, for example. Who sets it and puts all that pressure on you and forces you to make choices that will lead to a job designed to help other people with their various wants and...wants? People do. Relationship issues? People. Death and resulting grief? People.
See? And seriously, I hate it when people act as though 'life is supposed to be hard'. Nothing is supposed to be anything. Put a bunch of animals on a planet, they create problems for themselves. If I ever get this "lyff is jus soooo hoard" feeling, I think of my 'fellow man' and how they have given me problems when they try to control my life with their rules and restrictions and choices and brainwashing and false sense of 'freedom'. Those in positions of authority are NOT special, there is no such thing as 'fate', and the universe is infinitely larger than any problems you could ever be blessed with.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

RAts and things

Rats are amazing. If you don’t have one, you should get one. Seriously, do yourself a favour and get your arse right down to your local pet shop. Chances are, they won’t even sell rats there unless we include the dead frozen ones that are sold as snake food but we’re not including them so shutup and stop saying stupid things that have are offensive.

My ratty is so cute. He likes to lick my finger, and he falls asleep in my jacket and he’s very fluffy and fat. He’s the best pet I’ve ever had.

I am writing this blog entry because I am doing anything possible to abstain from starting my assignment that is due tomorrow and I should have started it 4 weeks ago, but I haven’t done one word at all. Not one. I thought that if I had 2 tablespoons of coffee, then it would give me the motivation, but no, instead I feel like laughing maniacally and madly shaking my head around and writing stupid blog posts that don’t make sense and nobody is going to read them anyway so that does not even matter. I’ve always doubted caffeine, so I’m thinking that it’s a placebo effect. Running out of things to write about. BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE I HAVE HOOOOOOOOOURS TO THINK OF IDEAS. Right, so I made this deal with myself today, that if I am not allowed to sleep until I finish my homework. Which may not happen at this rate. Oh man, I must be such a substance-abuser. I mean, caffeine. Soon I’ll be insufflating Wizz Fizz or something. Kids, never allow yourself to get to that level. That’s some hardcore shit right there. SRSLY.

Peace, love and empathy x

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Everybody Is Different...

Are we really? Teenagers are a perfect example of what I mean. They copy each other; hairstyles, clothing, music they listen to, ways of speaking, etc. In the Western world, individuality is rare. I may think I am an ‘individual’, but there are other people out there who speak like me, have the same political views as me, the same personality, etc. I would not like to meet people like this, as they would most likely be boring due to the fact that I seem to be quite boring. But as I read through the Facebook News Feed, I notice patterns in the behaviour and writing style of my young peers. I am not insinuating that they are boring in any way. In fact, I think quite the opposite of this. Observing how people interact is very interesting; it makes me see that I am wrong and people are, in some ways, different, whilst still having aspects of themselves that are similar to other humans of their age and rank. Or not.

I am writing this because I am sick of people. I would elaborate on that, but I don't think you would

a) understand

b) care.