Wednesday, October 20, 2010

RAts and things

Rats are amazing. If you don’t have one, you should get one. Seriously, do yourself a favour and get your arse right down to your local pet shop. Chances are, they won’t even sell rats there unless we include the dead frozen ones that are sold as snake food but we’re not including them so shutup and stop saying stupid things that have are offensive.

My ratty is so cute. He likes to lick my finger, and he falls asleep in my jacket and he’s very fluffy and fat. He’s the best pet I’ve ever had.

I am writing this blog entry because I am doing anything possible to abstain from starting my assignment that is due tomorrow and I should have started it 4 weeks ago, but I haven’t done one word at all. Not one. I thought that if I had 2 tablespoons of coffee, then it would give me the motivation, but no, instead I feel like laughing maniacally and madly shaking my head around and writing stupid blog posts that don’t make sense and nobody is going to read them anyway so that does not even matter. I’ve always doubted caffeine, so I’m thinking that it’s a placebo effect. Running out of things to write about. BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE I HAVE HOOOOOOOOOURS TO THINK OF IDEAS. Right, so I made this deal with myself today, that if I am not allowed to sleep until I finish my homework. Which may not happen at this rate. Oh man, I must be such a substance-abuser. I mean, caffeine. Soon I’ll be insufflating Wizz Fizz or something. Kids, never allow yourself to get to that level. That’s some hardcore shit right there. SRSLY.

Peace, love and empathy x


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