Thursday, October 14, 2010

Death and related shite.

I spent today pondering about death. Then I re-read that sentence and realise how much of an emo I must seem. I don't mean that I was thinking of ways in which I could kill myself and cutting my wrists and being all FML whilst listening to MCR on repeat all day. I went to a funeral today, so its not like one can sit there and ponder about butterflies.

I find it difficult to believe in a deity. Santa Klaus seems more probable. I spotted many contradictions and statements composed of pure delusion in the speech of a Catholic preist.

It surprises me that people can still believe in these lies and fairystories. We call the Ancient Greek deities a 'myth', so how does this differ from Christianity or Islam? Then I consider my own atheistic views on death, and see why people force themselves to believe in an afterlife. It sounds scary, the thought of not existing. No memory, no consciousness, no subconciousness, no thoughts, no senses, no feelings, no self, just nothing. You no longer exist. Your brain is just shut off like a broken lightbulb, never to turn on again, never to know any different. The awesomeness of the brain is why you are who you are; there is no 'soul'. You will never get to be reunited with your loved ones, and they will never get to see you ever again. That is the end.

Even with meditation, it would be impossible to replicate being dead unless you are, in fact, dead. A dreamless sleep is perhaps a way to understand the feeling. Or a high dose of psychadelic drugs so you lose your sense of self and view the world like you don't exist for at least a few minutes. Though it would be irresponsible of me to suggest that last one.


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