Apology for my silliness and various other stories
Why do I go all ‘hater’ on romance and sex and religion? LOL am I just jealous because I get none of those things? mustbeit. I don’t know why I’m an ignorant fool, but I now realize how I should become more open-minded. I believe that I have been almost dramatically more open-minded in the space of the past year compared to most of the rest of my life prior to said period of time, but I still as of yet have not reached the ‘severe’ end of the Open-mindedness Scale.
Well, on a rather unrealted note, I like night-time. It is the only section of the day when approx. 75% of the population are renderered camatose and this is thought of as a Very Holy Thing. This means that people are much more quiet than they usually are and the SOUTHERN Hemisphere has the illusion of peacefulness for at least a few hours. there is unfortunately not very much one can do at 1:30AM. so I decided to flee the comforts of my chair, and see what was happening outside. After scaring a family of sleeping ducks and various other night-lurking beasts, I managed to stumble over to a tree. After taking a series of photos which, whilst seeming to be the product of a pure photographic genius, are on second viewing, hideously boring and underexposed due to the flash setting, which I now realised was never actually employed in the taking of my latest photos. OH NO.
Well now I am back in my nice chair, my mind thouroughly Shpongled. Are You Shpongled? Oh, dear sleep deprivation, I will one day end your madness.
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