People get so caught up in what is happening concerning others, it makes them unhappy. I don't mean gossip; I mean that people worry about various issues caused by fellow beast (relationships or lack of, death, school trouble, etc.) until they develop a depressive and/or anxiety complex which is when they say "I hate life," "why is life so hard?" "Everyone hates me!" and other lovely things. But they don't realise that all their problems are caused by humans. Take schoolwork, for example. Who sets it and puts all that pressure on you and forces you to make choices that will lead to a job designed to help other people with their various wants and...wants? People do. Relationship issues? People. Death and resulting grief? People.
See? And seriously, I hate it when people act as though 'life is supposed to be hard'. Nothing is supposed to be anything. Put a bunch of animals on a planet, they create problems for themselves. If I ever get this "lyff is jus soooo hoard" feeling, I think of my 'fellow man' and how they have given me problems when they try to control my life with their rules and restrictions and choices and brainwashing and false sense of 'freedom'. Those in positions of authority are NOT special, there is no such thing as 'fate', and the universe is infinitely larger than any problems you could ever be blessed with.
RAts and things
Rats are amazing. If you don’t have one, you should get one. Seriously, do yourself a favour and get your arse right down to your local pet shop. Chances are, they won’t even sell rats there unless we include the dead frozen ones that are sold as snake food but we’re not including them so shutup and stop saying stupid things that have are offensive.
My ratty is so cute. He likes to lick my finger, and he falls asleep in my jacket and he’s very fluffy and fat. He’s the best pet I’ve ever had.
I am writing this blog entry because I am doing anything possible to abstain from starting my assignment that is due tomorrow and I should have started it 4 weeks ago, but I haven’t done one word at all. Not one. I thought that if I had 2 tablespoons of coffee, then it would give me the motivation, but no, instead I feel like laughing maniacally and madly shaking my head around and writing stupid blog posts that don’t make sense and nobody is going to read them anyway so that does not even matter. I’ve always doubted caffeine, so I’m thinking that it’s a placebo effect. Running out of things to write about. BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE I HAVE HOOOOOOOOOURS TO THINK OF IDEAS. Right, so I made this deal with myself today, that if I am not allowed to sleep until I finish my homework. Which may not happen at this rate. Oh man, I must be such a substance-abuser. I mean, caffeine. Soon I’ll be insufflating Wizz Fizz or something. Kids, never allow yourself to get to that level. That’s some hardcore shit right there. SRSLY.
Peace, love and empathy x
Everybody Is Different...
Are we really? Teenagers are a perfect example of what I mean. They copy each other; hairstyles, clothing, music they listen to, ways of speaking, etc. In the Western world, individuality is rare. I may think I am an ‘individual’, but there are other people out there who speak like me, have the same political views as me, the same personality, etc. I would not like to meet people like this, as they would most likely be boring due to the fact that I seem to be quite boring. But as I read through the Facebook News Feed, I notice patterns in the behaviour and writing style of my young peers. I am not insinuating that they are boring in any way. In fact, I think quite the opposite of this. Observing how people interact is very interesting; it makes me see that I am wrong and people are, in some ways, different, whilst still having aspects of themselves that are similar to other humans of their age and rank. Or not.
I am writing this because I am sick of people. I would elaborate on that, but I don't think you would
a) understand
b) care.
Death and related shite.
I spent today pondering about death. Then I re-read that sentence and realise how much of an emo I must seem. I don't mean that I was thinking of ways in which I could kill myself and cutting my wrists and being all FML whilst listening to MCR on repeat all day. I went to a funeral today, so its not like one can sit there and ponder about butterflies.
I find it difficult to believe in a deity. Santa Klaus seems more probable. I spotted many contradictions and statements composed of pure delusion in the speech of a Catholic preist.
It surprises me that people can still believe in these lies and fairystories. We call the Ancient Greek deities a 'myth', so how does this differ from Christianity or Islam? Then I consider my own atheistic views on death, and see why people force themselves to believe in an afterlife. It sounds scary, the thought of not existing. No memory, no consciousness, no subconciousness, no thoughts, no senses, no feelings, no self, just nothing. You no longer exist. Your brain is just shut off like a broken lightbulb, never to turn on again, never to know any different. The awesomeness of the brain is why you are who you are; there is no 'soul'. You will never get to be reunited with your loved ones, and they will never get to see you ever again. That is the end.
Even with meditation, it would be impossible to replicate being dead unless you are, in fact, dead. A dreamless sleep is perhaps a way to understand the feeling. Or a high dose of psychadelic drugs so you lose your sense of self and view the world like you don't exist for at least a few minutes. Though it would be irresponsible of me to suggest that last one.
It is 1:00AM at the time I am writing this, and I feel like complaining. 1. Fridges and frying pans. I am sick of these horrid devices and I wish they would just leave me alone and stop getting in my way and popping up everywhere; almost as if they are pornographic advertisements proclaiming the existence of my true love somewhere in this realm. Which for me, would be oxymoronic. I mean seriously, if I wanted to cook pancakes or store my various bottles of fruitily juices and mind-createred fermented dairy slime, I would just use the microwave like a normal person. Or an oven. They don't annoy me. They're actually quite nice. I like ovens. Microwaves are related to ovens; I believe they are a distant cousin or something remotely similar. All I know is if they tried to get married, they would not legally be able to, due to their apparent relatedness.
2. Homeopathic medication. This is completely useless. I have a bottle of homeopathic melatonin, and on the label it says that I am to take one. I lost count of how many I took, as I was stuffing them in my mouth as though they were some sort of sugary treat (an icky, gritty, tasteless treat). I didn't even get the placebo effect.
Mental disorders, etc.
I don't know how, but today I managed to spend over six hours reading about psychiatric hospitals. Not because I think I belong in one, but just because they are fascinating places. Actually, my darling father once told me that he thinks I'm gonna end up in a psych ward, but his opinion doesn't count because he never even went to university, let alone got a psych degree. Fuck, that rhymes slightly. Well anyway, here is the criteria for involuntary commitment (psychiatric 'detention')
Orders for admission and detention
12. (1) If, after examining a person, a medical practitioner is satisfied-
(a) that the person has a mental illness that requires immediate
treatment; and
(b) that such treatment is available in an approved treatment centre;
(c) that the person should be admitted as a patient and detained in an
approved treatment centre in the interests of his or her own health
and safety or for the protection of other persons,
the medical practitioner may make an order for the immediate admission and
detention of the person in an approved treatment centre.
(2) An order under subsection (1), unless earlier revoked, expires three
days after the day on which it is made.
(3) A person admitted and detained in an approved treatment centre pursuant
to an order under subsection (1) must be examined by a psychiatrist-
(a) if it is practicable for the examination to take place within 24
hours of admission-within that period; or
(b) if it is not practicable for an examination to take place within 24
hours of admission-as soon as practicable after admission.
(4) When the psychiatrist has completed the examination-
(a) he or she must, if not satisfied that the continued detention of the
patient is justified, revoke the order; or
(b) he or she may, if satisfied that the continued detention of the
patient is justified, confirm the order.
(5) If an order for detention has been confirmed under subsection (4), a
psychiatrist may, before the order expires and after examination of the
patient (which should be carried out during the 24 hours prior to that
expiry), make an order for the further detention of the patient for a period
not exceeding 21 days commencing on that expiry.
(6) A further order (but one only) may be made for the detention of the
patient for a period not exceeding 21 days commencing on the expiry of the
order under subsection (5), if two psychiatrists (only one of whom may be one
of the psychiatrists who made the orders under subsections (1) and (5)) think
it is justified after each has separately examined the patient.
(7) An order cannot be made under subsection (1) in relation to a patient
who is being detained pursuant to an order under subsection (5) or (6).
(8) The director of an approved treatment centre in which a patient is
detained pursuant to an order made under subsection (5) or (6) may revoke
that order at any time during the period for which it is effective.
(9) A psychiatrist who makes an order for detention under subsection (5) or
(6) must forthwith furnish the director of the treatment centre with a
written report of the results of his or her examination of the patient and of
the grounds on which the order was made.
(10) On receiving a report under subsection (9) the director must forward a
copy of the report to the Board.
"mental illness" means any illness or disorder of the mind
I read somewhere that 1 in 5 people have a mental illness. Those statistics are only for depression and anxiety, however. They are extremely common. I discovered that I fit the criteria for seven mental disorders in the Big Book of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition. Most people probably do. Everyone's fucked up in their own way. If someone were truly 'perfect', they would not be a human. Humans are not perfect. My rat is perfect.
I said 'fuck' two times - no, three times, in this blog post. Swearing is bad.
Well, goodbye Internet. I think I need a large dose of sleeping pills or something. I hear that if you snort them, they work faster. My ears probably defied me.